Inside the GOP - Leadership's opinions on things political. They really need our help on some things !!!

The following are the results of an Esquire survey of 75 anonymous GOP party leaders with regard to opinions within the GOP as seen from their various perspectives. Midknight Review adds its opinion since are a news and opinion blog. See if you agree. Make a comment or write up.

1. The state of the Republican Party is:

13% Great. Things were tough, but we're back and as strong as the Democrats in most parts of the country.

61% Solid. We're a unified party and we've got a few image problems that we could work on, but our fundamental beliefs are as strong and relevant as ever.

22% Shaky. It's not just image problems — we're losing ground with key constituencies (Hispanics, women, younger voters), and we need to make some adjustments to the party platform.

4% Terrible. We've got problems with the party — big ones — and we need to have a major reassessment of what we should stand for in the twenty-first century.

Midknight Review does not care about the GOP. This Review will support any aspiring political figure that agrees with the following: (1) movement toward a comprehensive 10th amendment politic, (2) supports a fiscal policy that is balanced and without debt, honors Constitutional principles borne of a respect for (3) individual freedoms, (4) private enterprise and (5) the grand traditions of our American heritage, (6) is willing to partnership with faith based private organizations without violating separation principles, demonstrates a profound respect for (7) freeedom of speech and (8) the secret ballot at all levels of decision making, (9) believes in a national defense policy that has the safety of the American people in mind before consideration for any other foreign population. (10) Finally, folks supported by this Review must demonstrate their uncompromised opposition to Marxism. We count 10 categories of thought. Mr. Obama misses on each and every point. By contrast, Bill Clinton (based on his actions as President) missed on 3, maybe 4 of the above issues. Clinton was a socialist, Obama is a Marxist -- there is a difference. Bush 43 missed on 2 points. The antithetical Obama, President Ronald Reagan was dead on in each category -- he missed nothing.

2. Which of the following statements best describes your essential philosophy as a Republican?

75% You're a fiscal conservative: You believe, above all, that the primary emphasis of the party should be on lower taxes, free markets, and limited government regulation.

8% You're a social conservative: You believe, above all, in defending traditional values.

6% You're a national-security conservative: You believe the Republican party is, above all, the party of national defense.

11% You're a libertarian: You believe, above all, that government should just leave hardworking people alone.

3. In the elections this fall, what is the one topic that members of the Republican Party should spend the most time talking about?

7% Lowering taxes

1% Strengthening national security

55% Shrinking government

1% Protecting traditional values

35% None of the above/other

Editor's notes: this is really incredible. Keep in mind that is GOP leadership speaking their minds. No doubt shrinking government is a critical issue but more important for the coming election a reconstituting of President powers to avoid the excesses the Obama Administration has brought to light. We are not sure as to the meaning of "traditional values" but if they include protecting the unborn and demanding our right to speak out in protest, then a 1% showing for leadership is a little scary. No mention of "Constitutional rights" or "states rights" ? And these are our conservative leaders ??

4. Whom would you most like to see at the top of the ticket in the 2012 elections?

12% Former governor Sarah Palin

13% Governor Tim Pawlenty

31% Former governor Mitt Romney

8% Former governor Mike Huckabee

36% None of the above/Other

Note: of course GOP leadership does not care for Palin. This is "leadership" opinion, not grassroots or membership opinion -- jds.

5. You've been given the opportunity to nominate the Republican of the Year — a person whose values best reflect your Republican Party. Whom would you choose?

7% Senator Mitch McConnell

11% Representative John Boehner

11% Former vice-president Dick Cheney

8% Rush Limbaugh

64% None of the above/Other

Notable write-ins: John McCain (three times), Sarah Palin (four times), Newt Gingrich (twice), Tom Coburn (twice), Governor Bob McDonnell (twice), Tom Ridge, Eric Cantor, Charlie Crist, "I am offended by these choices."

Note: This is supposedly GOP leadership answering these questions? We are beginning to disbelieve that assertion.

6. You've been given the opportunity to kick one person out of the party--his or her values simply aren't compatible with the Republican Party as you see it. Whom would you choose?

30% Senator Olympia Snowe

7% Representative Michele Bachmann

15% Colin Powell

12% Glenn Beck

37% None of the above/Other

Notable write-ins: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve King, "We need to grow our tent, not shrink it."

7. Which of the following do you believe to be the number-one threat to America's national security?

45% A nuclear Iran or North Korea

4% A revitalized Russia

35% Violent nonstate actors (i.e., terrorists, pirates, drug traffickers)

16% An ascendant China

Note: how could it not be Red China. They are too big to attack; they own 20% of our debt and this is a dynamic number; they seem to understand that the next cold war will be fought in the trenches of trade securities and debt management.

8. If you could poach one player from the other team, which of the following Democrats would make a useful addition to the Republican Party?

34% Warren Buffett

0% David Axelrod

5% Hillary Clinton

5% Oprah Winfrey

55% No, thanks. You can keep 'em.

9. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have become controversial figures in our national dialogue. In your opinion, they should:

71% Keep talking. They're speaking for millions of Americans who feel frustrated with the government's current policies.

23% Tone it down a little. They're smart entertainers, but some of their rhetoric risks alienating moderate and independent voters.

6% Shut up. They don't speak for mainstream Republicans, and they're scaring people.

10. Michael Steele's chairmanship of the Republican Party has been:

17% A success.

55% Pretty good, with a few rough patches.

8% A disaster, but what did you expect? He got dealt a bad hand.

4% A disaster. The guy is inept.

16% None of the above.

11. In a poll released by Public Policy Polling in early August, just 32 percent of Republicans in Virginia believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States. How would you characterize the role of the so-called "birthers" in the Republican Party?

2% They're the base.

87% They're the fringe.

12%They're the mainstream.

Note: what kind of idiot question is this? Leave it to a magazine whose staffs spends a considerable amount of time sitting in the privacy of a bathroom objectifying women. GOP leadership may have this opinion but polls show more than 60 of the general population have doubts and are open to th e discussion.

12. Who was the better president?

53% George H. W. Bush

47% George W. Bush

Note: another ridiculous question.

13. Do you consider Barack Obama a socialist?

78% Yes

22% No

Note: the fact is that Obama is a Marxist Liberationist

14. Given what you've seen so far, do you consider Barack Obama to be a better or worse president than Bill Clinton?

1% Better.

70% Worse.

29% Obama may be the worst president we've ever had.

15. Do you believe that the fight against gay marriage should be among the highest priorities of the Republican Party?

31% Yes. It's a critical issue and we must remain vigilant in defending traditional values and practices.

69% No. It's a distraction from more important conversations we should be having about national security and fiscal responsibility.

Note: the point is missed again. It is not "gay marriage" per se that is the Constitutional issue. Rather, it is the question of "free speech." The passage a gay marriage law, at least here in California, will be accompanied with free speech restrictions and loss of certain parental controls in the school. We know this to be the case because this is already a fight the gay caucus has initiated. Ask the gay types if they will support your legal right to speak out against gay marriage as a trade of on the marriage issue. Those with whom I have talked have refused to do so ----- proving, of course, that the gay marriage issue is much more about societal control than "gay marriage."

16. Do you agree that the United States should commit as many troops and resources as necessary to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan?

78% Yes

23% No

17. Do you agree that America has the right to impose its will on sovereign countries when its interests are concerned?

59% Yes

42% No

Note: not a well thought out question. If Chavez wants to import 100's of missiles into Venezuela, and he does, the US should not allow this to happen. Period.

18. Do you agree that a flat tax on all Americans would be the best way to reform the federal tax code?

65% Yes

35% No

19. Would you, under any circumstances, support a tax increase on any or all Americans over the next twelve months?

4% Yes

96% No

20. Would you support temporary work programs and other methods of "earned legalization" for illegal immigrants?

52% Yes

48% No

Note: apparently we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 million illegals in this country. First, we have to stop the continuing influx of illegals. Secondly, we have to admit to the problematic issue of American born children to alien or foreign parents -- you can say whatever, the fact is that the child is an American and that American child deserves to be raised by his or her parents, in America. The problem is not just a question of "legal vs illegal" alien. There is the question of natural born citizens and their rights as citizens. There is the question of dealing with a demographic population that is here because of serious and fearsome issues in Mexico. Last year, 16,000 civilians in Mexico were murdered by the Mexican Mafia. There is the fact that this large illegal population has been in this country for two decades. They were here in mass when the unemployment rate was 4.5% and now, when that rate is nearly 10%. Do they pay their way? Kind of a silly question, don't you think, in view of the fact that nearly 50% of the general and legal population does not "pay its way."

The facts must figure into the solution, namely that the children are citizens in many cases, the influx needs to be stopped, and the exportation of 12 million people from this country is not possible. Bush had a good plan. It sounds as if Obama may have Bush 43 in mind with his approach to issue, as well.

21. Which of the following best describes President George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003?

71% The right decision.

29% The wrong decision.

Note: Bill Clinton told Bush that Saddam had WMDs. Saddam told Bush that he had WMDs. Every intelligence agency in the world told Bush that Iraq had WMDs. Bush would have been an idiot not to attack Iraq with all that in mind.

22. Would you consider supporting a pro-choice candidate in a local, state, or national election?

67% Yes

33% No

Note: only if that candidate was dedicated to treating the abortion issue as a states-rights issue.

23. Do you believe that climate change is man-made?

17% Yes

83% No

24. Describe your preferred makeup of the Republican membership of Congress:

57% More moderates with a larger but more ideologically diverse caucus.

43% Fewer moderates with a smaller but more ideologically consistent caucus.

Note: our preference is for a Congress that is 100% dedicated to the pursuit of states rights and Constitutional authority. All Marxist should be jailed as traitors to this country.

25. When it comes to its racial and ethnic makeup, the Republican Party is:

33% More diverse than the mainstream media gives it credit for.

31% Not diverse enough. We could do more to appeal to certain racial and ethnic demographics.

36% Who cares? People are people. Let's leave identity politics to the Democrats.

So What’s the consensus?

Based on our survey, conducted over the course of six weeks last fall and administered with a guarantee of anonymity to all participants, three out of four leaders of the Republican Party consider Barack Obama to be a socialist. More than one in four consider him the worst president of all time. Sixty-seven percent would consider supporting a pro-choice candidate. Seventy-one percent think W. made the right call in Iraq. No one really likes taxes or the birthers. And a lot of people like Mitt Romney.

Note: do not forget that this is a survey of GOP leadership. They are obviously out of touch with GOP membership when it comes to the birth question, Sarah Palin, and states rights.



  1. Looks like I should have filled out my survery! Not that it would have made any looks like the Repubs are in denial too. Good luck with that.
