ACORN GETS FUNDING -- No surprise to Midknight Review. The funding happened on Xmas Eve. Bet you didn't know that !!

ACORN and other leftist groups eligible to get nearly $4 billion in Obama's fiscal 2011 budget
copied 2/12/10
That is the headline. . . . not news to Midknight Review. This review is not often first with news or political projections, but we were first on this one. If you follow Midknight Review, you will remember December 26 of last year. That morning, this blog was taken down by folks at Google under the mistaken notion that we were a spam blog. We were taken down three hours after this editor wrote an article blasting Obama for having been given free access to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac funding through the end of his term as "president." That happened in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. Where in this world were the Republicans ?? We do not know BUT, the point of this post is to point out the fact that Midknight Review "blew its cool" because, in giving Obama free access to Fannie and Freddie, ACORN Housing and hence, ACORN, had just secured its funding, something that was supposedly blocked by concerned congressional Democrats and Republicans. We may have been the first in the world -- yes, in the world - to see this connection. And now, that claim has been confirmed. No surprise here.

Obama's time in office has been typified by a rejection of established authority, the circumventing of Congressional review, end runs around Senate confirmations, promise made for the single minded purpose of getting elected and outright lies for the purpose of getting things done.

Important note: if we are taken down again, please look for us on the web using a very similar name. I am set up to be back on line within minutes if this happens again. Thanks to our blog partners for allowing this blog to be a part of the larger conservative network. We do not all say the same thing but we are all proud conservatives. In that fact, we protect each other from extinction - J David Smithson, editor in chief, Midknight Review - new and revised.

1 comment:

  1. "rejecting established authority"--isn't that what lawyers do? They look for the loophole that gives them authority...even if it is redefining what the meaning of "is"
