Bigger than "climategate" --- 24 companies bail out of the greeen commercial industry. The wheels are off the Green Mobile !!

cpoied 2/17/10
Recognize this symbol? It has been all over the air-waves. Millions have been spent by British Petroleum -- to no avail and THAT is the story of the week !!!

This is a more important story with regards to global warming/climate change than the climategate scandal -- it may detail the beginning of the end for the warmist industry.

ConocoPhillips, Caterpillar Inc. and BP America have left the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, a coalition of more than two-dozen companies and environmental groups lobbying Congress to pass greenhouse gas emissions cap-and-trade legislation, have resigned from the effort. Millions of dollars have been spent in advertisements supporting the Warming agenda by this collective, the most visual being BP. Additional millions have been spent in physical construction and plant equipment purchases and set-ups. And then there are the billions invested in this industry. Al Gore is reported to have made half a billion dollars to date from what is proving to be nothing more than junk science.

Midknight Review sees the words by ConocoPhillips Chairman and CEO Jim Mulva as a revelation of the damning scope of this collective decision:

"House climate legislation and Senate proposals to date have disadvantaged the transportation sector and its consumers, left domestic refineries unfairly penalized versus international competition, and ignored the critical role that natural gas can play in reducing GHG emissions . . . . .We believe greater attention and resources need to be dedicated to reversing these missed opportunities, and our actions today are part of that effort."

In other words, "it is over and we are about to repair the damage."

What is not being discussed (and we could find only one headline referencing this story) are the implications of this collective decision to the commercial future of the Global Warming politic. This may very well be a death blow to warming interests. There is no future for global warming if there is no capitalist concern -- apologies to all you anti-capitalist types but money makes the world go round !!!

Scientific fact is not based upon "consensus" yet we hear of the "scientific consensus" establishing the "fact" of global warming and we hear these words often. As it turns out, the only real consensus is the collusion of scientist in an effort to hide conflicting facts and hush complaining rhetoric.

The turning about of ConocoPhillips, Caterpillar Inc. and BP America is to global warming what Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts are to the Obama's election agenda. If you think back on the '08 campaign, you will remember that Obama made Caterpillar a partner in his promise to change America. That is no longer the case. And the current Marxist agenda has only itself to blame. The specific complaint in this story is the repressive tax that is disguised as "Cap and Trade." Those in the green industry see this piece of legislation as a deal breaker and have decided not to pursue green industrial concerns because of it

Those "green jobs" promised by Obama? There are no jobs without industry's provision. There is no governmental participation apart from "Cap and Trade." Both considerations have taken a head shot that seems to be fatal. Time will tell. Understand that if global warming science were true, "cap and trade" remains unnecessary to its solution. It (cap and trade) is only about taxation and the collective named in this story has decided to not participate in this redistributive theft of its resources.

This is a monumental slap to the face of Obama, and incredibly important circumstance and a victory for the conservative politic that insists against taxing free enterprise --- jds.
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