Reconciliation is a move that demands only 51 votes, not 60. It is used by losers to pass failed legislation.

From Roll Call, we have these words: Senate Democrats say they see no need to abandon the idea of using reconciliation to pass health care reform this year just because President Barack Obama has scheduled a bipartisan summit next week to try to break the impasse on Capitol Hill.

Editor's notes: first, the Dems have been trying to psyche themselves up to abuse "reconciliation" for nearly a year, now. If they use "reconciliation" it simply means they could not win over members of their own party much less the GOP or the American people. The very fact that there is talk of "reconciliation" means nothing has changed since last fall as regards health care reform the Marxist way.

Secondly, there is nothing "bi-partisan" about the "bi-partisan summit." The Dems and Obama will walk into the room, throw their bill on the table and tell the GOP "amend this." That is not "bipartisanship."

Finally, there is no such thing as an impasse - only victory and defeat. The healthcare bill would have been voted down at any time during the past year if leadership had allowed a vote. You are not looking at an impasse, you are looking at a Democrat Party that failed in its bid for health care reform and has refused to accept the defeat. . . . THAT is "impasse" or "gridlock." Will they cram the bill through Congress, anyway? During an election year? Just 8 months before the scheduled election? 60% of the population wants Congress to start over with health care reform but the Dems cannot do that -- there have been too many deals made to start over.

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