Socialism versus Conservativism and the Democrat Party. Hint: We all know Dems are socialists. Its not even debatable.

Good looking fellow. His name? Norman Thomas. This picture was taken in 1937. Thomas was an American Socialist and pacifist who ran for President six times. The following comment was made by Thomas in 1944 as he considered the presidency of Franklyn Roosevelt.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism.
But under the name of "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist Nation, without knowing how it happened.
I no longer need to run as a Presidential candidate for The Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

Understand our opposition to the socialist/Marxist policies of the Democrat Party is in response to the socialist/Marxist stance of that Party, a stance that is recognized by those who are NOT Right Wingers. The Right Wing blogosphere and Midknight Review is sounding the alarm to that which is demonstrably factual. The current political war is between Constutionalists and Socialists. When one considers the differences between the socialist/Marxist of the day versus the Conservative Opinion, we note these considerations:

1. Belief in the US Constitution as a continuing and foundational document to which we must give answer when our politic is in question. Socialist/Marxist of this day do not believe in this principle.

2. States Rights as the foundation of American Federalism. (Socialism of all types rejects this principle).

3. Reverence for faith based partnerships (Marxist socialism rejects this notion altogether).

4. The ends justify the means as a doctrine to advance a political agenda: Conservatives will oppose this notion while Socialist/Marxist do not. Some in the Conservative Movement practice this self-serving thinking but it is not viewed with pleasure and is considered by the larger Conservative Movement as being immoral.

5. Socialism will put science at the center of its social conscience. Conservatives will put personal faith (whatever that is to the individual) and conscience at the center of its social theory.

6. Conservatives believe in individual responsibility as the guiding principle for legislative social policy; socialist/Marxists believe in distributive "justice" as the guiding force determining social legislative policy.

In the general population, many of those we know as "Democrat" are not socialist/Marxist, but their Party leaders are and the above suggestions detail aspects of their belief system. If you are a Democrat, you need to reel in your Party, taking them back to American Constitutional values and principles. Understand that in a recent Gallup poll, 53% of Democrats see nothing wrong with Socialism. While "53%" sounds rather startling, it converts to approximately 20% of the larger population.

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