Midknight Review supports sound anti-terrorist policy even if practiced by a traitors community during the Bush years.

Warrantless phone taps are in !! The whiners on the Left are now "fine" with suspending Constitutional protections concerning the matter of warrantless searches after spending 8 years demonizing Bush for doing the same thing. They were traitors in this effort and the worst kind of hypocrite in their policy reversal.

Last November, a fellow named Christian Taylor, went into a Sprint store and attempted to buy 30 Blackberry handhelds. You can find the story here. From that episode, the governments efforts at wannantless searches has come to light. Good for them but they are not to be trusted.

Midknight Review does not oppose this sort of thing. There needs to be some sort of clandestined oversight, of course. But this kind of surveillance is absolutely necessary.

What is most aggravating is the silence of Barack Obama, Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others who took a traitor's stance in opposing Bush on this matter, proving, of course, the political nature of their phony "concern for American freedoms" and their contemptuous behavior prior to one of their own taking the helm as Commander and Chief. You should know that there are a number of articles on the Internet detailing how one can avoid these searches - all written during the time Bush was president. We watched how many Law and Order shows with the evil Bush at the center of the feigned concern from civil liberties ?? One bit of Leftist propaganda after another and now? SILENCE.

The willingness of this bunch of Marxist to politicize the terrorists' issue clearly disqualifies them from service to the Nation. We cannot trust their rhetorical polemics beyond the notion that it is nothing more than chunky style "barnyard." Certainly, it could be more than BS but we have no way of knowing. For our current Marxist leadership, their governance is all about staying in power and nothing more. Insiders such as Evan Bayh have chosen to do nothing in the face of the current Marxist dominance. As a result, we the People are left to our own imaginations when it comes to truth in dealing with these political misfits.

Now that they have suddenly become "Patriots" in dealing with the terrorist wars, we are encouraged to respect their leadership and trust them for our safety and future. Ain't going to happen.

Midknight Review supports whatever will keep us safe but we do not believe in the current leadership of this great nation. In a recent CNN poll, 52% of this nation "do not believe Obama DESERVES reelection." This is not simply a "disapproval" rating but a statement of earned respect - he has not made the grade in this regard !! Understand that this Review believes Obama intends to ride his anti-terrorist "war" reversal all the way to this coming November. He thinks this will be his ticket to the rehabilitation of the Democrat party. We are not fooled. --- jds
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