Obama's campaign message? We have to spend now -- balancing the budget must come later. Believe him ???

Obama Launches Debt Commission; GOP Not Yet on Board
By Jennifer Bendery
Roll Call Staff
Feb. 18, 2010, 11:24 a.m.

President Barack Obama launched his bipartisan debt commission on Thursday by executive order, an effort that still lacks GOP support as Congressional Republicans mull whether to participate.


With typical fan faire, Obama took more TV time this morning (we see him at least twice a day) to tout his Debt Commisson. Look Ma - its bilingual or bipartisan or is it really by by time for this sham.

When he made his pitch, he forgot to tell you that his Democrat controlled Senate turned down his request for this Debt Commission. He is doing this by "executive order" because he could not find 60 Senators to agree with him legislatively. Without Senate approval, this commission can only offer recommendations to Mr. Obama. It is nothing more than an extension of his personal staff - kind of like his 42 czars, seriously.

And this "commission" will take between 9 months and a year to gather its recommendations !! In a year, we will be another 2 trillion dollars in debt, giving Obama the distinction of amassing $5 trillion in debt in two years, something that Bush did in eight years -- and Bush was on record pace !!!

In announcing this Debt Commission, Obama cites the passage of "pay go" but fails to mention that within hours of its passage, Congress suspended the spirit of the bill by moving to pass a spending bill known as the newest Jobs Legislation.

He also mentioned the 3 year "freeze" on discretionary spending but failed to mention that he has already increased this category of spending beyond what normally occurs in three years !! In other words, the "normal " annual increase of discretionary spending is 8%. He increased it by 24% in a single year and then ordered his three year "freeze." Smoke and mirrors. Nothing is saved in this proposal -- absolutely nothing. This is a "sparrow's belch in the midst of a typhoon " to borrow a phrase from Alan Simpson, one of the fellows (a retired Republican) selected to head up the Deficit Commission.

We ask this question: is Obama really serious about cutting spending? The freeze does not go into effect for a year. Likewise, the Deficit Commission is a year removed from making its recommendations and then there is the legislative matter of getting Congress to go along with the commission's recommendations.

Spending money NOW is billed as the need for immediate "investment" in America's future while "cutting spending" is put off for more than a year - if, in fact, it ever happens. Why go this route? Well, it gives Obama the words needed to campaign on "fiscal responsibility." Can he fool the people of this country? Maybe but we are thinking not.


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