Midknight Review is a conservative news and content blog. Here is a little of both.

The headlines are from The Hill -- the commentary is ours. Let's party, shall we ?!!

Bayh to retire in huge blow to Dems

Turns out that Bayh was nearly 20 points up on his Republican opponent. Did he see a change in that circumstance? Maybe. Midknight Review thinks it might be more likely that Evan Bayh is disgusted with the level of radicalism he sees in Obama and the current Pelosi/Reid leadership and has decided to opt out. If this is true, he may be planning on a run at the Democrat presidential nomination [again] or taking up a Democrat conservative effort to take back his party. There are too many radicals in the Democrat Party for Bayh to be a serious presidential candidate. We hope for the good of that party that the latter is the truth. Bayh has been a favorite of this editor but has proven to be a genuine disappointment over the course of the past year as he did next to nothing to prevent what happened in 2009. We have been very disappointed in his politic and compromise. You may not know this, but Bayh raised the angst of the Administration when he openly asked Obama what he should say when questioned as to "why the Democratic Party should be trusted in dealing with the public purse." That was on Feb. 4 of this year. During the '09 legislative season, Bayh voted with his party 71% of the time. While that may seem high, it is the lowest ratio for Bayh since coming to Washington.
Biden defends White House foreign policy, fight against terror
Kind of an impossible task, we think. Obama shut down the interrogation policies of Bush nearly a year ago and replaced it with ..............................................well..................................nothing !! That's right. There has been no intelligence borne interrogation since Obama took office. Obama got a little press on August 26th of '08, announcing his new interrogation policy, the so-called High value Interrogation Group(s) or HIG units. This past week, he signed the papers ordering this into reality, but, five months since the August announcement, there are no high value interrogation units in existence . The "underwear bomber" ? The reason why he was not turned over to the FBI for interrogation was this, there is no one approved by Obama to interrogate this guy.

Further, in announcing the closing of GITMO, Biden and his president have no place to put captured terrorist except for a little known prison in Afghanistan. Its called the US Bagram Theatre Internment Facility. You will not hear of Biden defending this as he speaks out against those who would "pick and choose their own facts." One wonders how he gets his message out, what with his mouth full of both feet.

Finally, there is the fact that the Obama Administration is no longer aggressively pursuing the capture and interrogation of high level terrorist leaders. When you Mirandize combatants on the battlefield, you are not serious about getting the kind of information that kept this country safe for 8 years under Bush.
Dodd: Obama will be elected to a second term 'overwhelmingly'
Chris Dodd was 15 points behind in his bid for Senate re-election, so he quit before he was defeated. This is the guy who now predicts an Obama 2012 victory. Also, he was one of several legislators who assured the nation [summer of '08] of the stability of Fannie and Freddie and the viability of the Affordable Housing program.

White House to kick communications into overdrive to spread message in 2010 Eric Zimmermann - 02/15/10 09:49 AM ET Biden's dual appearances on Sunday morning shows were part of a White House effort to gain control of the media narrative.…
Huh??!! Take control ??!! Obama made more than 2 speeches a day during the course of 2009 - by our count, that is 726 speeches, campaign appearances for congressional members, televised speeches and network interviews. If you allow an average of 3 hours per appearance including travel time, he was in our living rooms for 9 months of the 12 he was supposed to be working. Do the math.

Trial lawyers to Obama: Don’t deal on tort reform in healthcare negotiations
No special interests in the Obama Administration? Nonsense. 90% of all 2008 campaign contributions from within the trail lawyer community went to Obama and his Democrat buds. He owes them . . . plain and simple. He has kept his part of the deal, so far. But they are worried. What will a self-serving politician do when faced with the defeat of his Legacy Legislation. When it is all said and done, Obama may care more for his legacy than the approval of a group of lawyers. Who knows. We think not. As things stand, we know that Obama is in bed, big time, with the trial lawyers and Big Pharma. How is that "hope and change" ???


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