Here is what is going on with Obama's volunteer army. It exists but its effectiveness is a diminishing reality.

Organizing Blog

  • Over 3 Million and Counting...

    posted February 12 8:03:34 AM
    Just 24 hours Organizing for America announced the "You fight, we'll fight" campaign, OFA supporters have already committed more than 3 million hours of their time to help candidates who fight for health reform -- and that number is continuing to grow. In fact, OFA supporters smashed through the initial goal of 1,000,000 hours pledged within hours of the announcement. Today those commitments are continuing to roll in. This display of enthusiasm shows just how …



This was written on Friday. What is it? It comes from Obama's "Organizing for America" and records the successful effort at collecting 3 million hourly pledges for campaign work, designed to keep Obama in power. Sounds kind of scary, doesn't it ?? !!

Before you get too worried, read this "direr warning," a call to campaign activism by Obama:
The polls are tightening as right-wing money floods the state, and one even shows the race to be a dead heat between progressive champion Martha Coakley and her Republican opponent. The truth is, special elections often have very low turnout and are notoriously unpredictable. The stakes are just too high.

That was the call. It produced almost nothing in terms of campaign activism. Ditto for New Jersey and Virginia last November.

Moral of this story? Obama is up against one of the largest community organization in the history of the world - the conservative grassroots movement and they will most definitely rise to the call for activism. Obama's army of volunteers? They will desert this man before the approaching elections, if they haven't already. With the events of New Jersey, Virginia, Massachusetts and even NY23, Obama has little reason to believe that his plans involving community organization will work as it did in November of '08. He has told too many lies and failed to fulfill too many promises. People are not stupid and THAT includes his volunteers.

Think 3 million volunteer hours is good? Not really. On the other side of the Obama Marxist campaign are 7 to 10 million conservative activists representing 72 million potential conservative voters. This army of activists will spend more than 70 million hours in volunteer activism during the course of this year, alone.

NOW who is scared ???

1 comment:

  1. Hi John, We all know how much deception is used by this administration. There's no way to know that these numbers are even real. Having said that, I fully expect every single person on the government dole to be advancing the cause...and that number has increased since the 2008 election. I think that's the point, actually...Of course, there is the story of the union guy showing up for some rally because he got paid, but he wasn't voting for the man...they'll have to work their way around those types of people...
