Question: Military aid to Ukraine was withheld for 20 stinking days. Obama refused military aid to Ukraine forever giving that country only food rations and socks so what exactly are the Dems complaining about.

No article.  Just this profoundly straight forward question, 
one for which Progessives have no answer. 

Other unanswerable questions: 

1.  If climate change and sea rise are true,  why is the Manhatten Island Financial District not moving inland as fast as possible,  and, why did the Obamas spend 13million dollars on a home on or near the ocean's edge ?

2,  If a transgendered woman is a woman,  why does she have prostate cancer,  no womb, is going bald and plastic boobs ? 

3.  Why have free college for all when half of the population is not interested in a formal education versus trade schools or union related training ?

4.  Why do we believe in the evolution of species larger than a centementer when we cannot duplicate this process in the science labs ?

5.  How would Globalist Progressive fight the growing military influence in China?  

6.  If there is no revealed and personal God,  what is the basis for amy sense of morality ? 



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