Here is a critical conversation regarding withholding military aid to Ukraine that will be completely ignored by Trump's Opposition.

Here is part of a text converation between Bill Taylor,  a top diplomate in the Ukraine and the Ambassador to the E.U., Gordon Sondland

Taylor:  As I said on the phone,  I think its crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.

Sondland replies:  Bill,  I believe you are incorrect aboutPresident Trump's intentions.  The President has been crystal clear:  no quid pro quo's of any kind.  The President is trying to evaluate whether Unkraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during the campaign.  I suggest we stop the back andforth by text.

Sept 9, 2019.

This conversation establishes Trump's true intentions well before the release of the whistleblower complaint . . . .   about three weeks before said complaint. This timeline is critical because it references Trump's intent well before any knowledge of a complaint.  In other words,  this conversation is not a defense/explanation against a complaint,  but rather a clarification as to what the President did when he decided to withhold military aid for a period of time in order to confirm a policy move in the Ukraine against government corruption.  And "yes,"  the aid was withheld in the month prior to the complaint's release.  Timelines are important, and the Opposition is ignoring the timeline.

The readership should also note that this military aid was eventually given to Ukraine but WITHOUT any hint of an Ukraine investigation into Biden   . . . .   a timeline of events that destroys the fantasy of a quid pro quo.  

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