CNN has been reporting the criitical extraction of one of our Intel operatives in Russia for fear of exposure by President Trump. Here is the truth:

Over the past 24 hours,  the above concern has been THE CNN story for the current news cycle.   Again, and to be clear:  CNN has charged that President Trump endangered the lives and welfare of our foreign agents. So serious an issue,  according to the clowns at CNN,  that our operatives had to brought home in order to protect their lives. 

In responce to this nonsense,  the NY Times decided to chime in with this:  ". . . . there is no public evidence that Mr. Trump directly endangered the source  (i.e. "opereative").

And,  Brittany Bramell,  CIA Director of Public Affairs, issued this statement:  " . . .   misguided speculation [by CNN - editor] that the President's handling of our nation's most sensitive intelligence  . . .   drove an alleged [extraction] is inaccurate."

Besides these official denials,  the most critical fact in this matter, is the fact that the operative at the center of the CNN story was brought home before Trump was sworn in as President.    

Good grief    . . . .   are they going to lie all the way to 2020?  

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