Statisically speaking, Dems despise this nation's foundations and it primary symbols (the flag etc.)

A new Gallup poll has disturbing news: the percentage of respondents claiming they were “extremely proud” to be American was the lowest since Gallup started asking that question in 2001.
Only 45% of respondents said they were “extremely proud to be American.” Unsurprisingly, only 22% of respondents claiming they were Democrats agreed with that sentiment as opposed to a whopping 76% of Republicans. 41% of independents said they were “extremely proud.” 

Editor's notes:  Within the next 10 years,  the Democrat Party will reject any mention of the Christian "God,"  virtually all of this nation's founders,  its Constitution as written,  the principles of a free and representative society including freedom of religious express and speech,  state's rights,  and the working aspects of capitalism.  Instead,  they will work for an Euopean state,  government control of all major businesses,  and an open border that allows illegals to enter and assume the rights of citizenship without being citizens,  themselves.    

They hate Trump only because they have hated what he stands and they have hate the Conservative Nation since the 1960's.  The reason for all the recent turmoil is found in the fact that our side of the aisle finally got tiered of their arrogance and silliness and refuses to take their crap any more. 

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