Apparently, Fonda issued an apology sometime late Wednesday. My thinking, for what it is worth? No one within my realm of influence thinks Fonda and folks like Kathy Griffin, should be allowed to issue their phony apologies. Instead,
we need to round them up and get rid of them . . . . jail or worse.
No one I know would allow Fonda to get away with his brand of Left Wing crap. The ONLY THING that keeps this country away from a physical Civil War is the unwillingness of the Right to fight. When they run out of patience and/or the Left's assaults grow in number and degree of violence, then we have war.
Anyone notice that it is the Left taking the pledge for the worst kinds of insults and violence? It is the Left coming out as anti-cop, defending those who burn our cities and plot ambushes for our police. Are there individuals within the Right who do such things? Of course. But "individuals" are one thing. Fighting back against organizations is another, organizations such as CAIR (defending domestic Muslim terrorist with advisers to the Obama Administration sitting at his table) , the Muslim Brotherhood in this country (sitting as advisers to Barack Obama, as well), The New Black Panthers (Eric Holder as AG refused to prosecute members of this organization), the Nation of Islam (Farrakhan), Antifa (posting 1,500 names and addresses of Ice agents hoping that harm will come to this law enforcement agency) , Hollywood (Fonda and others calling for the rape of young Barron and his mother), Al Sharpton (who sat at the table as an adviser to Barack) and his brand of city burnings and death to cops, Green Peace (burning billions of dollars worth of auto dealerships and construction sites, annually) and Democrat folks willing to walk onto a playing field and kill dozens of Republicans (no, it did not happen, but only because someone killed the Democrat bastard). Remember that Church shooting? A Right Winger shot and killed that butt wipe but only after church goers were murdered while at church, sitting in their pews, totally innocent of any complaints.
Those on the Left (see frightening list above) are the same people who invented the KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws, and started the Civil War. It is abundantly clear that they are perfectly willing to start another Civil War, with leadership such as Barack and Holder and Sharpton willing to lead the current insurrection.
Understand that the Right physically works against its radicals (such as white supremacist groups) . The Left accepts all in the above list of Left Wing radicals . . . all of them. THAT is the most profound difference between the two sides.
And now you really know.