While this blog is right leaning and partisan for the Conservative Cause (not necessarily "GOP") , this editor does care about reporting his understanding of the truth. As relates to the separation of children from illegals, there is no path to a definitive "truth" on the matter. The debate has been overwhelmed by hate and distrust with no solution to those two narrative killing emotions.
The facts are fairly obvious: Obama created most of the shelters into which the children are placed. All facilities I have seen, are clean and
the children appear to be well cared for . . . . certainly much better than their home land circumstance.
The difference that has become manifest with all the free flowing rhetoric, is this: the Democrat Party no longer will settle for anything other than a borderless solution. When the Left argues that children should NEVER see the inside of detention facility, with or without their parent(s), and, these same children should never be separated from their parent, the Left is making a case for open borders and crossings into this country without fear of prosecution, whether the guilty party is an illegal immigrant or a member of MS13.
When Schumer argues for a Presidential solution because he can "envision no bill that will get a 60 vote majority in the Senate," he is saying, "We, the Left, are gong to force an open borders solution. We, the Left, will no longer work for a legislative solution." This is the moment the Left sees to press the welfare state into reality. Schumer knows full well that an Executive Order cannot stand against established law, which eliminates a Presidential solution. Can't happen and, again, the Left knows it.
What I am saying is this: We have finally come to a point, in this country, when we, the people, must decide for or against established and defended borders. A decision to "go borderless" would change everything about this once great nation. A borderless nation is, of necessity, a socialist - welfare state, and, a nation that cannot defend itself or prevent enemy invasion (of course the enemy is already here and working for a borderless society). We become third world overnight.
The Left has been working for years, tearing down this nation and moving us away from our founding principles. We are finally at a cross roads. Before Trump's time is over, we will have made some sort of national decision.