NFL gets its collective butt kicked to the curb. Their anti-Patriotic demonstrastion is just about over.

NFL players,  at  least some of them,  don't get the resistance to their flag/anthem protest.  Our soldiers have fought and died trying to rescue the flag from enemy hands,  on the battle field.  It - the flag - is much more than a symbol.  It is the message to the world that evil has no lasting power over good.  While players are tough,  they are not battlefield tough.  While they grew up in "the hood,"  the dangers faced there are no match for years spent on the battlefield where everyone you meet is a potential killer.  My brother,  21 years older than me,  landed on Normandy, June 6, 1944,  and fought through France and Germany to the end of the war.  No one except other WW II vets have ever seen the carnage witnessed by men like my brother,  in whatever war they fought.  Go to hell if you want to desecrate that for which so many  (black and white) died for the declaration of freedom. And that,  boys and girls,  is why the NFL protests failed. 

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