Keurig cups are filling up our land-fills . . . . bad for the environment and bad for our politics.

The boycott is on
Hannity supporters boycott Keurig coffee makers over Roy Moore defense

Editor's notes:  I watched the Hannity Show in question.  He did not defend Moore, per se.  Rather,  he denounced "trial by media" and those within the GOP,  Never-Trumpers all, and their rush to judgment.

I am not a fan of Judge Moore.  But this "guilt by assumption" is really getting old.  The Dems pull this out of their hat,  everytime a conservative gets close to being a serious election-cycle problem.  They ran with adultery charges against Reagan and McCain and destroyed Herman Cain's run for the presidency.  And to think that the Dems are the party of the molester and pedophile   . . . . .   just look at 30 odd scandals that have surfaced in Hollywood in the past three weeks.  Hundreds of women "have come forward" making charges against dozens of Hollywood producers, actors,  and businessmen.  Hundreds.  Charging sexual harassment, rape of minors,  and the most vile episodes of sexual exposure.  

And it is not just Hollywood.  Amazon executives have been accused as well as a number of Media reporters and TV hosts.  Bill Clinton was the first to be put under the microscope, but,  clearly,  the Dems were running around with their pants down for years before Bill.  

1 comment:

  1. Keurig coffee sucks. Get a Jura machine. Nothing better.
