Tucker Carlson had a discussion with the director of Human Rights Watch on Thursday night.

Tucker Carlson (Fox News 6.00 pm pacific time) had a discussion with the director of Human Rights Watch on Thursday night. What is Human Rights Watch?

Wikipedia:   Human Rights Watch is an American-founded international non-governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights.

As it turns out,  the most shocking declaration in this interview/debate,  was the revelation that Human Rights Watch does not use our Constitution as the basis for its function.  Rather, it uses "international human rights law,"  with all its global implications.  In fact,  it does not care what the Constitution says on any issue of human rights. 

Understand that the call to "nationalism" is considered "evil" precisely because it goes against "international law,"   a nationalism that supports the sovereignty of the United States of America.  

My point?  The forces of globalism and its attacks against the United States of America are so well established,  via lies and blatant denials  ("no we are not communitst") , as to be almost overwhelming as we try to take our country back.  Trump will run out of time before the task is completed. 

Understand that globalism is the mortal enemy of our form of governance and needs to be defeated for that reason,  alone. 

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