One of the strangest twists in the national saga that is the Trump candidacy/presidency is Peirs Morgan.

Morgan was a featured host over at the Clinton News Network  (CNN) for some time,  and a typical Left winger, at that,   but with a sense of moral/socio right and wrong.  

Turns out that four months ago,  he left CNN for his European homeland.  And somewhere along the line,  he came to realize just how unfair the American "media" was acting out as regards Donald Trump.  

He doesn't agree with our president about much,  but what he does have sympathy for,  is the blatant bias of the Left Wing  (I would write "radical Left wing" except for the fact that that would not add anything to what I am saying    . . . . .    "Left wing"  . . . .  "radical Left wing"  . . . . .   its all the same to me.  

I need not add anything to the discussion other than to publish the headline written by Peirs Morgan in defense of Ivanka Trump and the punkish way she is being treated.  

Piers Morgan / Daily Mail: Ivanka should be a role model but Hillary's hateful losers are so bitter they will stoop to ANYTHING to get at her dad

Understand this:  I no longer allow any lists of   "dangerous white supremacist groups"  on this site.    Those lists pale in comparison to the thousands of threats against Right Wing speakers,  publishers,  businesses, our cities,  our schools,  our cops,  and especially, the Trump family.  

These fools are everywhere.  I do not care if they represent only a small percentage of the Left.  All I know is this:  the Left is doing nothing to end the threats and outrageous vandalism perpetuated by the armies of the Left.  Obama's word's still ring in our ears,  word's that praised and encouraged the violence we see today.  

 The Dems started the First Civil War,  and it is clear that they want another such war.  In fact,  we are in the first stages of the Second Civil War,  as I write.  

For the Left,  it is all about taking my guns away from me,  jumping me and my wife as we walk down the street to attend a political function,  coming to my home with the intent of doing harm and in every way,  making folks like me "pay" for the political decisions we make.  

For the Right,  it is about self defense,  the protection of our homes,  and dependency on law and order.  Forget the pen,  many of us carry a phone and a gun. 

Understand that the modern day Dems are the same people who refused to obey Federal law when it came to desegregation.  70 years later,  they continue to flaunt Federal law in pursuit of a borderless world, a world that ignores the sovereignty of our nation,  and, seeks to force us all into an international commune of darkness and slavery   . . . . .   even for themselves  (that's how stupid these people are).  

Trust me,  it is happening now.  Let's pray that normal people,  you know,  the ones who actually fought the wars and won our freedom over and over again,  have not come alive to this existential threat, too late.  

Only time will tell.

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