Just before James Comey makes his appearance this morning, Midknight Reveiw believes his presser will be about terror in this country. Wrong! "Hillary is incompetent but not a criminal." .

Well,  surprisingly I was wrong.  The presser was all about Hillary Clinton.

Email server,  she used several servers,  new replacing older servers.  110 emails were classified at the time they were sent or received.  36 were top secret. Found several thousand email not included in Hillary's release of the well-known 30,000 work related emails.  Three of those emails were classified at the time they were sent or received.   

No intent to violate existing law.  7 email chains contained classified documents at the time they were sent or received, and housed in unprotected emails.

Only a small number of documents contained markings that indicated "classified."  The security culture of the State Department was lacking.

Hostile actors did access accounts receiving emails from Hillary account.

Recommendation:  In our system,  the prosecutors make the final determinations as to "crimes committed."  It is our judgment that no reasonable prosecutor will bring a case against Hillary.

Comey claims no outside influence and ended the presser without taking questions.  He refused to recommend prosecution.

I told you so. 

It's all bullshit.  The fix was in.  No one is surprised,  certainly not Barack who is flying Hillary around the country,  on taxpayer dollars today.  

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