The House Democrats did a 24 hour "sit-in," working for a vote on a bill their Senate colleagues filibustered to death . . . . then they broke to attend a baseball game.

Guy Benson / Fail: Self-Righteous Publicity Stunt Ends with Voteless Whimper, Raised Cash
 As Matt covered earlier, House Democrats abruptly 'abandoned the victims of gun violence' this afternoon, canceling their courageous anti-civil rights "sit-in" after one grueling night of air conditioning, catered meals, sleeping cots, cross-legged sitting, sloganeering, and placard-waving -- all under the vigilant protection of heavily-armed security, of course. "No bill, no break," they chanted in full throat, with Nancy Pelosi vowing to keep the vigil alive "until hell freezes over."  Mere hours later, they took that very break without compelling a single vote. In all fairness, there were flights home to be caught, and dinner reservations to fulfill.  No bill!  Let's break!  Also, please give us money.  Such commitment.  Such courage.  Since this was all about political posturing, I still maintain that House Republicans should have arrived to work this morning with one item on their agenda: Giving the Democrats an opportunity to vote on two consensus gun reform bills that their Senate colleagues filibustered earlier in the week.  If Pelosi's crew had backed the GOP-sponsored legislation, they'd have helped corner Reid's caucus, whose obstructionism would look even more cynical than before.  But if after shrieking for action, they immediately lined up to oppose limited measures that at least partially advanced their supposed goals, they'd look phonier than ever.  Better to just raise a self-righteous stink, bathe in glowing media coverage ("historic!"), vacuum up some fundraising bucks, then call it a day. Literally. One day. 


  1. John Lewis was pulled off his stool during a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter in Nashville in the 1960s. John Lewis was beaten by AL state troopers on the march to Selma. There's nothing the NRA/GOP can do to him that hasn't been done before.

    Funny these Republicans are so dumb, they don't even know their history. Rep. Mark Walker (R-NC) attempted to ‘whitesplain’ to Rep. Lewis how civil rights activism works citing the Woolworth's sit-ins.... which unbeknownst to him, Lewis organized that event and was beaten there.

    In America today, there aren't many true American heros. John Lewis is a true American hero who stands on the right side of history, then and now.

    1. You write: "Funny these Republicans are so dumb, they don't even know their history." don't you ever get embarrassed because of your own stupidity? The history you frame in your comment is the history of John Lewis in a Democrat south. The police were all Democrat. George Wallace, a freaking Democrat, was in his first term as Governor of Alabama. Lewis was beaten by Democrats.

      Neither the NRA nor the GOP have ever made violence a response to John Lewis. Your comment is nothing more than an a partisan lie, easily disproven.

    2. When are you going to get it through your thick skull that political party politics change... xenophobia and white supremacy has always been a conservative value. True with Wallace, true with Trump.

    3. Does not change one thing I wrote in my comment or in my post. True then, true now.

      Trump is not a racist, has never preached violence for the sake of violence as was the case with the Democrats and their KKK, has no plans to reconstitute the Democrats Jim Crow laws and pledges to work for all Americans, unlike Barack.

    4. Trump has received more support from the KKK and white supremacist groups than any candidate since Wallace. Case closed.

    5. Prove it . . . . . and who cares? George Wallace was a Democrat and the KKK is definitely not a GOP constituency.
