O'Malley, Democrat candidate, starts the blame game before the San Bernardino event is over.

He is running with less than 1% of the Democrat primary vote,  was a failed mayor of Baltimore where gun violence was/is at record highs,  year after year. And, now,  when the California murders are still being investigated and looking like an Islamic jihad event,  he mouths off about gun control  as if Muslim terrorist would value gun control laws.  Bizarre. 


  1. When a middle eastern person does it - it's terrorism.
    When a christian does it - it's a crazy.

    1. Depends. When you wear tactical gear, have ties to a larger, violent organization such as ISIS, your house is an IED factory and are intent on killing in the name your God . . . . yes, that would be make you a Islamic terrorist. Maybe you missed the memo, but extreme Islam hates the United States and folks like you and me.

      Homicidal risk is a fundamental aspect of Extreme Islam, a distinction that is exclusive to that faith.

      There is no "Christian" counter-part and you know it.

    2. The shooter was probably radicalized by the Saudis, the Bush family friends,

      Planned parenthood shooter was a christian terrorist. He was deeply religious and that was instrumental in his attack.


    3. Well, at least you admit these two folks are radicalized Islamic terrorists. As far as the Saudi's being Bush's friends, you have him confused with Obama and I will leave it at that.

  2. All guns used in this shooting were legal obtained and licensed.

    Smithson and Republicans defend the right of suspected terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns.

    1. I am not a Republican. As far as me, suspected terrorists on a no fly list . . . . you have me confused with Barack Hussein Obama. He is fine with suspected terrorists flying with your family. If the person is a terrorist, he/she should be able to own a gun.

    2. House Republicans blocking a debate on a bill that would close a loophole allowing suspected terrorists to legally buy guns. You own this position and defended it. Take responsibility for your position and justify it.

    3. btw, I never refer to such people simply as “Muslim terrorists.” There are radicalized Muslim terrorists and that is the term I use . . . . “radicalized Muslim terrorist.” There are "Christian" folks who are part of a larger population, people who believe the unborn do not have a voice in the debate, who believe that killing to save the unborn is "self-defense." These people have aggressive opposition within the larger faith community . . . unlike the Islamic terrorists. Christian opposition to those who would kill in the name of God in Christ (our “God”) is why you do not see an organized Christian effort to deal with the murder of the defenseless.
