WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah plans to run for House speaker in a surprise longshot challenge to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, three Republican aides said Friday, injecting new turmoil into an unsettled House Republican conference.
chairs the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and has led
high-profile hearings on the Secret Service, Planned Parenthood and
other issues. His candidacy would offer an outlet for Republicans
reluctant to coronate McCarthy to replace House Speaker John Boehner, who shocked Capitol Hill a week ago by announcing his resignation under conservative pressure.
The latest report from Chaffetz:
I fail to see your point. The fact that the Left is accomplished in the art of "plausible deniability," is thre real story, here. The Marxist Left does nothing that does not have a planned script for plausible deniability. And, so, Chaffetz tells the folks, "the investigation will continue."