Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has been "appealing to
the worst instincts of human nature" and that his "demagoguery" is no
longer amusing.
By Ken Thomas - Associated Press
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham
Clinton says she would push for a no-fly zone and safe regions in Syria
to address the humanitarian crisis that has spilled out in the Middle
Hillary Rodham Clinton has undertaken another mission
with her presidential campaign: to rehabilitate the battered image of
longtime aide and confidante Huma Abedin.
By Lisa Lerer and Ken Thomas - Associated Press
Bernie Sanders is offering Hillary Rodham Clinton an
unexpected challenge in the race for primary campaign money this quarter
as he collected nearly as much money from small donations as the
Democratic front-runner has from big-dollar donors.
More than 5 percent of the latest batch of emails from
former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, released Wednesday,
contain classified information -- or twice the rate of the previous
releases, raising tricky questions about whether the department is
finding more secrets or being more thorough in screening the messages.
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. performs better than
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton against
several of the top 2016 GOP contenders, a new poll said.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
weighed in Monday on the email controversy surrounding Democratic
presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying she wouldn't have
approved the use of a private email server for officials in her State
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., though not yet a
candidate, is within 8 points of former Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton in the race for the 2016 Democratic presidential
nomination, with Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont close behind, according
to a national poll released Wednesday.
A federal judge urged the State Department to get more
people on the case reviewing and releasing the emails of former
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her top aides, saying
Tuesday that all sides should be eager to get the matter behind them.
Objections from the Clinton Foundation have failed to
assuage concerns of a charity watchdog group that says potential donors
should think twice before giving money to the foundation, which has come
under scrutiny for donations from foreign governments and tax reporting
After two weeks of Hillary Rodham Clinton's charm
offensive to repair her image that has been damaged by the email
scandal, her free fall in the polls stopped Monday with a new survey
that showed her rebounding to increase her lead over rival Sen. Bernard
The FBI refused to cooperate Monday with a
court-ordered inquiry into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton's email server, telling the State Department that they won't
even confirm they are investigating the matter themselves, much less
willing to tell the rest of the government what's going on.
Though still under 50 percent support, former Secretary
of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has increased her lead in the race for
the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination compared to a few weeks ago,
with her support growing even further should Vice President Joseph R.
Biden Jr. decide not to run, according to results from a survey released
Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday said Donald Trump is
engaging in "irresponsible" and "appalling" behavior for failing to
shoot down false claims that President Obama is a Muslim and was not
born in the U.S.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's top
aides have belatedly turned over more than 100,000 pages of emails they
had kept on personal email accounts, or accounts tied to Mrs. Clinton's
server, the government told a federal judge late Friday.
Carly Fiorina, the only consensus winner out of this
week's GOP presidential debate, went a long way toward cementing her
claim as Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare, as she looked to solidify
her status as a top contender for the party's nomination and convince
donors and primary voters to give her a serious look.
A top Republican called Tuesday for Attorney General
Loretta Lynch to name a special prosecutor to oversee the investigation
into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails, saying
Americans need greater assurance that any wrongdoing will be
investigated without fear of political influence from President Obama
and his team.
The emails former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton turned back over to the government last year contained "gaps,"
according to internal department messages evaluating her production.
The Clinton Foundation never rewarded donors with
political favors and accusations to the contrary are "personal attacks"
that prove other politicians are scared of Hillary Rodham Clinton,
former President Bill Clinton said Sunday.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham
Clinton spent Thursday ducking questions about a trade bill before
Congress, as her chief rival for the nomination said it was embarrassing
to see the party's leading candidate hide from the biggest issues of
the day.
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