Truth about the kid with the clock:

The Muslim kid in this video,  acclaimed by the Facebook liberal and Barack Obama before either man knew anything about the facts of the case.  With Mark Zuckerman (?) ,  facts are unimportant when in contrast to his know-nothing liberal leanings.  With Obama,  facts mean nothing if the situation can be used to advance his Occupy the United States agenda.

But,  for the few who believe in facts,  you should know that in addition to the revelation(s) found in this video,  this Muslim punk (talking about the boy,  not his activist Muslim father),  refused to talk to the police,  refused to allow entry into his locker,   and pretended to have invented a radio,  when,  in fact,  what worked was the timing devise as a part of an older (nearly antique) store bought radio.

The whole thing is a scam,  but how would Obama know,  since he cannot write a cogent budget,  win a war or read and understand the US Constitution?