Obama compares himself to Nixon in China and Reagan in Russia.

Obama apparently believes that he can frame the historians' version of his presidency.  I mean,  We are all crying over his foreign policy,   but he declares that policy to be on par with Nixon's and Reagan's. and,  that declaration makes it so   . . . .    at least,  in his own mind.  

Question:   Did Nixon's policies with China lead to an increased arms race?  Or, did Reagan's policies lead to an increased arms race with Russia?  

And Obama with his Mid East "policy?  News flash:  the Saudis are already dealing to buy themselves into a nuclear state,  making nuclear deals with Pakistan.  That is already happening,  and by the time of the 2016 elections,  this will be both a well known fact AND a major campaign issue.  

Me?  I hope this clown keeps making decisions and driving the country to a place that no one supports.  So far,  Obama has more unpopular decisions to his credit than any president in modern day history.  Sadly,  "popular opinion" as to his specific policies are universally against those policies including this most recent decision to elevate a 5th rate terror state to a position equal to that of the United States    . . . . . . .    and as long as we have a know-nothing community organizer as "president,"  our decline as a nation will be his legacy.  

Never forget that he does not have the mental ability to write a budget proposal (5 submissions failed 0-99 and 0-97 in the Senate, 0-414 and 2-416 in the House and a 5th proposal was reject by the Congressional Budget office),  pass legislation  without lying his backside off,  or live up to most of the 300 promises he made,  in 2008.  

Clearly,  Sarah Palin runs this moron out of town when it comes to presidential/intellectual concerns,  keeping promises,  and building on the grand fact of American exceptionalism.  


  1. Probably better than comparing himself to Reagan, who sent 1,500 missiles to Iran, illegally.

  2. A) Obama is still as stupid a president as we have ever had. B) Reagan was investigated for the arms sale to Iran: conclusion, no evidence supporting his knowledge of the deal Col North made and North has explained why he did not tell Reagan. Case closed.
