Obama wanted a rich and prosperous Iran when he came into office. He just made that happen. Don't believe me? Ask the Iranians.

Hassan Nasrallah is Secretary General of the Lebanese political and paramilitary organization, a killer who is kept in power by the Iranian regime.   He knows the affect of this deal with Iran,  and the compromise Obama has made with the outlaw regime of Iran,  and the largest state-sponsor of terror in the entire world.  


  1. Thanks to Bush/Cheney, Iran really prospered.

    Iran didn’t have a meaningful nuclear weapons program until Tehran developed one – during the Bush/Cheney administration. It was on Bush’s watch that Iran’s total number of centrifuged grew from 164 to 8,000.

    What kind of price did Iran pay for taking these provocative steps? Actually, Bush didn’t do anything – he was busy watching his Iraq policy destabilize the entire region while allowing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program to expand without any pushback from his administration.
    It was Bush/Cheney’s policy that greatly expanded Iran’s power and influence in the Middle East. It was their policy that allowed Iran to advance its nuclear-weapons program without consequence. It was Bush’s mess that President Obama is now successfully cleaning up.

  2. Bush won the Iraq war per the admission of both Obama and Biden, so stop with your silliness. Bush allowed Israel to deal with Iranian nuclear problem. Obama inherited an Iran that had 4,000 centrifuges. It takes 20,000 to build a bomb and that is what they have, today, under Obama . . . . . . from 4,000 to 20,000. Obama not only told Israel, "hands off Iran," he is also providing help to Iran in dealing with any Israeli cyber effort to shut down their program. So take your comparison and stick it up your butt along with all that other reading material you have stored in that cavity.
