A collection of Iranian Deal headlines and our response to each.

Always the tough guy.
Gambles on foreign policy legacy...

If it starts a nuclear arms race, THAT will be his legacy 
May Take Years to Pay Off...

But not too many years  . . . .   two to six years.   

NETANYAHU: 'Historic Mistake for World'...
'Surrender by West'...

Obama made a decision for the Mid East without their counsel.
Iran given 'license to kill'...

And it pisses Obama that Israel insists on its sovereignty.  

KRISTOL: This cannot stand...

If we win the 2016 election,  it might not stand.  But who can trust the GOP?
House Intelligence Chairman: Paves Way for Bomb...

Absolutely no one execpt Obama is saying otherwise  . . . .   including Kerry. 
Three months breakout time...
Breakout time is code for a "completed bomb.

Centrifuges Continue to Spin...

And therein is the problem
MAG: Dems lie about inspections...

We have to get Iranian permission to inspect any facility and they can say "No." 
Iran airs Obama speech...

Sure.  He is one of them.   

Saudis on edge...

Add Jordan,  Israel and Egypt to the Saudis.
Iran aims to double crude oil exports under deal...

That may be good for American consumers if Big Oil does not increase its profit margins.  
No breakthrough for Americans held in Tehran...

One is a Marine.  Thought we didn't leave our soldiers behind. Apparently none of the hostages are traitors.  Been in Iran longer than the Carter hostages.

WALKER: 'Will be remembered as one of worst diplomatic failures'...

Congress Has No Real Kill Switch for Deal...

Don't believe Boehner or McConnell.  They cannot overcome the Obama's veto and they know it   . . . . .   so why did they agree with Obama on this vote restriction? 

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