Islam sees the decision to take down the Confederate War Flag as a Muslim victory. Problem: Islam wants the Muslim War Flag flying in its place.

Elibiary,  speaking as a Muslim in America,  does not understand the historical implications of the Civil War when viewed as a battle to preserve human rights for all AND the union of States as laid out in the US Constitution at the same time.    This is a man who favors honor killings,  Shira Law for all of mankind,  a religious/totalitarian State,  wives used as sex slaves,  and the killing of those who are apostate as Muslims, not to mention death to all homosexuals.   Most importantly,  he does not get the fact that it was South Carolina's state legislature that voted to take down this flag.  Understand,  Mr. Mohamed does not simply want the Confederate War Flag taken down,  he wants his own Muslim War Flag flying in its place. 


  1. the only people that opposed the removal of the slavers flag were Republicans

    1. It was a Democrat governor who began flying the Confederate War Flag, in South Carolina back in 1961. It was a Republican governor who took it down. The fact that the racist wing of the Democrat Party started voting GOP was because the Dems went communist . . . . . the two sides apparently do get along.

  2. the only people that opposed the removal of the slavers flag LAST WEEK were Republicans

    1. They supported free speech. You don't. Still, it was a GOP Senate, House and Governor that took down the flag that you and your party invented.
