Hillary seen as more extreme than ANY GOP candidate.

 FiveThirtyEight gives us this conclusion as to popular opinion relating the the so-called extremism of GOP candidates versus the extremism of Hillary Clinton.    They view Hillary Clinton as more extreme than any current Republican presidential candidate   . . . . .   the point of this polling information is this:  "extremism" as polled by 5-38 is a bad thing   . . . . . .    something else Hillary will have to deal with,  if her opponent dares to make her Alinsky-type extremism a campaign issue. 


  1. A GOP construct. The US is now officially an oligarchy. That is what you want, right?

    The trick has been accomplished. The oligarchs have accomplished the objective, to get people to vote against their interests.

  2. Except for "a GOP construct," I agree totally with your conclusion. That the GOP is complicit in an unwitting way, there is no doubt. But this is the handiwork of the Marxists among us . . . . . period. Maybe news to you, but not to me.
