P5 + 1 negotiated this deal with Iran . . . a bunch of Europeans and one European wannabe, and this is precisely what is wrong with this deal.

P5  =  Russia, China, France, United Kingdom and Germany

Plus 1  =   United States

Question:  So why the hell did Obama ignore the folks in the Middle East and how arrogant is this clown?   

Our Middle East "partners" were ignored in one of the most preposterous displays of arrogance any of us have ever seen,   and,  in so doing,  this bigoted piece of human waste  (Obama) has succeeded in working  a deal that gives Iran 140 billion dollars in revenues beginning  now,  allows that country to flood the market with oil,  lifts the ban on small arms trading in five years and does nothing to address its ICBM program  (that means it can strike the US within 30 minutes after "lift off")   . . . . .   and it is your children who will pay the price.  

This will sound "off subject,"  but follow me:  Over the course of term as president,  Obama wrote and submitted to congress,  5 budget proposals.  Two were sent to the Senate where they failed  0 - 99 and 0-97.  That's right  -  not a single vote,  even from his own party membership.    In the House,  his budgets failed 0-414 and 2-416.  And a 5th budget was turned down by CBO as not being capable of being "scored"  (or evaluated for fiscal sustainability).  First time in American history that we have a president who cannot write a fiscal budget, and,  his five time failure proves my point.  "Five times" proves that he does not have the ability. 


The Iranian funding agreement,  is almost entirely the work of a man who cannot successfully complete a somewhat complicated document.  

You have the lesson.  Now,  in 2016,  vote with that in mind as Hillary,  who supports this agreement,  hopes to continue the damage to this country Obama began.  

1 comment:

  1. Bunch of white boys and one half white wannabe black, telling the rest of the world what to do and leaving the rest of the world to deal with their bs decisions.
