First thoughts about the Iranian funding deal.

I call it "the Iranian funding deal"  because Iran gets $140 billion,  with a "b,"  for making this deal with Hussein Obama.  Obama has just funded the #1 terror state in the world with $140 billion dollars.  

Secondly,  in the deal,  Obama has completely deserted Israel and the four American prisoners in Iran,  one of them a Marine while funding the state of terror in the Middle East and agreed to "hands off" certain Iranian individual,  one a general who is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American solders,  over the years.    Our individual concerners  . . .   absolutely not.  Their "individual" concerns  . . . . .  a resounding yes.  

Third,  IF this deal is as bad and many fear,  expect to see a nuclear arms race in the region.  No "arms race,"  means it was a relatively good deal.  

GOP opposition:  feckless and non-existent in practical terms.  When McConnell/Boehner agreed to the congressional oversight deal with Obama,  they surrendered their ability to stop the deal.  Understand that the GOP will need a 2/3 plus one vote in both the House and the Senate to over-ride Obama's veto.  Ain't going to happen.  Time for new GOP leadership   . . . . . .   I mean,  if you are that stupid,  you don't need to be in leadership.  I have defended both men,  until now.  Remember all those bills they were going to send to the WH,  after the last election?  broken promises on the same scale as Obama's ACA lies. 

As far as the deal,  itself,  there will be too much partisan positioning in the coming weeks  for me to have confidence in a comprehensive evaluation.  If they make the text of the agreement available to the public,  folks like me have a chance.  If not  . . . .  we will just have to wait and trust.  

Evaluation might have an effect on the coming 2016 elections.  Hillary,  this morning,  has come out supporting this deal

Finally,  just know that Obama intended to be a valued partner with Iran and Muslim Brotherhood and the radical, anarchist Left  (Al Sharpton as a sad example)  from the very beginning of his first term.  That is the most critical take-away for me. 

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