If you are a Gen Xer (my Julie's age) or a Millennial (my Nancy's age), you probably do not understand the angst of many of us old types. Can't speak for all Boomers, but here is my #1 reason for how I feel about Obama. He, like Nixon, does not care about the loss of life during war time, as long as he was re-elected. Obama actually went to sleep 5 hours before the last two diplomats in Benghazi . . . . he went to bed and went to sleep WHILE they were calling for help, not knowing that their Commander had already written them off. Ever heard of Kosovo ? How cold blooded is that?
Ever heard of Kosovo? That was Clinton's war. They were flying 10,000
bombing raids a month. Iraq, infinitely more important, recorded 168
missions, last month, and McCain just told FoxNews that 75% of those
flights come back with all their bombs still on board, because they do
not have optics on the ground.
Understand, it is not the mechanics of the bombing runs that get to me; it is the sorry excuse for moral purity of this administration, taking years to defeat an army of 30 stinking thousand pervs, while thousands of folks die because of this self-serving strategy to get through to the next election. Nixon did it and I detested the guy. Obama has morphed into Nixon on steroids.
Ramadi begged Obama for arms four months ago. He agreed to send them 2,000 rocket launchers . . . . . . . . . yesterday. They will get there the first week of June. Ramadi fell to ISIS last Sunday and more than 500 folks were paraded out into the streets, shot, beheaded, set on fire and chased into the river. Our country is an embarrassment to me, Our soldiers die for absolutely nothing (God bless them all) . . . . . but I will stop before I say something that exposes just how much grace I need, personally, to make it through the Pearlie's after Judgment Day.
Just know this: my angst is not about Democrat v GOP -- it is about the cold blooded nature of our current Nothing Burger, in office.
Understand, it is not the mechanics of the bombing runs that get to me; it is the sorry excuse for moral purity of this administration, taking years to defeat an army of 30 stinking thousand pervs, while thousands of folks die because of this self-serving strategy to get through to the next election. Nixon did it and I detested the guy. Obama has morphed into Nixon on steroids.
Ramadi begged Obama for arms four months ago. He agreed to send them 2,000 rocket launchers . . . . . . . . . yesterday. They will get there the first week of June. Ramadi fell to ISIS last Sunday and more than 500 folks were paraded out into the streets, shot, beheaded, set on fire and chased into the river. Our country is an embarrassment to me, Our soldiers die for absolutely nothing (God bless them all) . . . . . but I will stop before I say something that exposes just how much grace I need, personally, to make it through the Pearlie's after Judgment Day.
Just know this: my angst is not about Democrat v GOP -- it is about the cold blooded nature of our current Nothing Burger, in office.
My wife made an interesting observation about this blog's editor: he does not publish compliments to his articles, only those comments he chooses to debate (not a bad thing, mind you). If that is true, this comment will not get through publishing process. But I must give you my compliments. My feelings about what is going on in our world per Mr. Obama has nothing to do with politics. My wife and I probably vote Democratic more often than Republican, but this President's willingness to sacrifice all that we admittedly accomplished in the Middle East, his willingness to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers for the sake of collateral damage, his willingness to watch and do nothing while 200,000 die in Syria and who knows how many in Iraq, at the hands of ISIS, tells us we have a Ted Bundy as President. Hats off to this blog. It really speaks for a number of people who are independent, non-partisans , or so I fantasize. Glad you spent the time to research and publish.
ReplyDeleteEarth to Smithson.... come in Smithson.... what planet are you on???
Your laughter does not change the fact that Obama is a cold blooded jerk of a human being.
DeleteThe blogger, John D. Smithson's idea of a great leader and intellect is Sarah Palin. That should tell you a little about his judgement. He even started a blog worshipping the 'Palin Doctrine'.
DeleteFurther, he believes Saddam had WMDs and to support his argument, cited a NYT article that stated, "The discoveries of these chemical weapons did not support the government’s invasion rationale." When I pointed that out in a previous post, not wanting to look stupid, he of course deleted it.
That is what we're dealing with here.
And you, Sir, have a know nothing leader who did not know how many states were in our Union (57 or "was it 58"), does not know how to pronounce "corps," preferring "corpse" instead, and cannot draft a budget proposal that is cogent. As a result, he does do budgets and for good reason: two of his proposals failed in the Senate, Harry Reid's Senate, 97 to nothing and 99 to nothing. Two other proposals failed in the House, 414 to nothing, and 416 to 2. Now, Palin had to write budgets. She would have never gotten "zero" votes. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to get "zero" votes on your budget statements. First time in our history this has happened . . . . once, much less four times.
DeletePalin has an open invitation to debate the man. He won't do it, of course, because Palin would tear him a new one, and we all know it.
Obama's failure rate before the Supreme Court is around 65% . . . . . . another historical record for the High Office. So, how stupid do you have to be, to be the only "president" in history to fail 66% of the time in the High Court?
His chief race adviser is Al Sharpton, a mountain of intellectual waste . . . . . . and the two men are buds !!!!???
I deleted nothing except your duplicitous postings. Once is enough. You are the one who refuses to deal with my facts. My argument did not rely on the NY Times article, but that article allows for WMD's in Iraq, and the sickness of 17 soldiers who handle these weapons. The chemical WMDs were not buried in Iraq for the most part; they were kept in agin warehouses or shipped off to Syria. I personally know two men who disarmed WMDs for three years, in Iraq and that is why I believe they were there.
Besides, this "lie" of existing WMDs came from Bill Clinton and George Tenet (Clinton's CIA director). But you ignore that fact, as well.
You can win the next election based on Obama's accomplishments, so you and yours have decided to dig up your version of the past, and go with that. Laughable AND stupidly wrong.
Be advised, that unless you debate my facts, I will not continue to post Bush hating nonsense about the Iraqi War. You have already lost that argument. We won . . . .. and both Biden and Obama have admitted such while taking the credit for themselves.