Saturday night saw more Left Wing examples of domestic terror.

<<< For every Right Wing case of domestic violence,  I can document more than 60 cases of Left Wing Terror

Riots broke out in Seattle and Oakland, last night,   violence by the Radical Left added to the 150 counts of car fires in Baltimore and more than 100 counts of domestic terror against the business community in that city, earlier this week.  Of course,  domestic Left Wing violence was the story of the day,  last week,  in L.A.,  Ferguson (40 attacks on the business community, there)  and New York City (a cop was shot in the head but may survive; two cops killed by a Baltimore Leftist thug last month). 

Understand this:  Right Wing nutcases (and they absolutely exist)  are not tearing up our cities,  threatening whole blocks of businesses coast to coast,  burning car after car, killing cops,  and, chanting "death to the cops." 

Every time someone gets up and shouts,  with clinched fist,  "No justice,  no peace," that person is threatening Left Wing domestic terror if things do not go to their liking   . . . . .  that's what "no peace" means,  folks. 

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