While the worker bees for Central Planning were paying nearly 3 trillion in taxes, this month, this leach paid nothing.

He owes NY City $870,000 in back taxes and Central Planning,  around 4 million dollars,  yet,  this sack of bones is running free,  preaching hate and anarchy,  a member of the Obama Administration and Chief Adviser on race relations in this country.  The Congressional Black Caucus loves the guy,  along with the Castro brothers,  in Cuba and the domestic leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood,  in our country, as well as Louis Farrahkan and the radicals in the New Black Panthers.  Garbage, all. 

He barely knows how to speak intelligibly.  He graduated from high school but dropped out of community college without so much as an AA degree.  The very fact that he is a confidant of Barack Obama tells you all you need to know about Obama's domestic strategies for "fundamentally transforming" our once great nation.  Some folks actually report losing IQ points after sitting in an audience and listening to this clown,  speak. 

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