The Girl Scouts are concerned about falling membership and a declining number of adult volunteers, so a Girl Scout staffer in Salt Lake City cooked up the idea to start a troop headquartered in the area’s “gay pride center.”
The idea is to attract “transgender” youth and children living with an LGBT parent. Shari Solomon-Kleba told the Associated Press, “Girl Scouts is all
about empowering girls to become leaders who make the world a better
place. Why not at the Pride Center?”The troop had its first meeting Monday with five girls. No transgender youth have joined yet but hopes are high. Girl Scout spokesman Josh Ackley told the AP there are no prohibitions on LGBT leaders in the Girl Scouts USA. Breitbart News profiled Ackley last year as a “homopunk” rocker who makes music videos showing violence against women. Ackley said boys who identify as girls are accepted in the Girl Scouts nationally.
It is unclear that going further into sexual extremes will help Girl Scout enrollment. Girl Scout membership has declined over the years, critics argue, because of the leftward tilt of the national office. When the Girl Scouts took “God” out of the pledge, for instance, a new Christian-based group called American Heritage Girls was founded.
Ongoing connections between the Girl Scouts and abortion providers has likely not helped membership either.
Last year, pro-lifers launched a national cookie boycott because of the Girl Scout’s promotion of Wendy Davis, pro-abortion candidate for governor of Texas.
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Follow Austin Ruse on Twitter @austinruse
Hey, all they want to do is earn their badges and sell cookies. Why blame them for the "sins" of their mothers?
ReplyDeleteIts a news story. Did I say anything about a boycott? But think about it: the Left is watching as the Girl Scouts lose membership, so what do they do? Go gay, transgender (how many tranny young girls are there out there in Cookie Land?) and kick "God" out of their pledge. Don't blame me or Breitbart. We are not the ones driving the Scouts off the cliff.