Back from three days at "Man Camp."

Back from three days at "Man Camp."  400 Christian men brought their guns, their Bibles and their love and partnership with/for the World's Messiah (not Obama, btw) to a mountain retreat (Hartland) here in Central California.  It was a great weekend  (such camps always are).  Besides the fellowship in the spirit of men who work hard for a living,  and,  the beauty of the surrounding mountain range,  there was this prevailing "high regard" for all attending the camp.    I am an "all in" ecumenical minded old guy and do not see the need for separate "Statements of Faith"  (I call them "club charters") nor the divide that is our denominational world. 

I attend a Baptist church,  but,  I am not a "Baptist."  I do not glory in Baptist successes or growth rates.  I come close to believing that such "glory" is a sin,  detracting from the offer of praise and credit due our God.  After all,  He is the one who causes growth in numbers,  and gives us all our very lives  ("all" as in "everyone who breathes"). And,  the last time I looked,  He was not a Baptist !!

While at "man camp,"  those attending completely forget about the structures and theologies that keeps us apart,  and that is truly a wonderful thing.  If you don't understand Christianity,  you will not understand that "correct thinking" has nothing to do with this thing called "salvation."  In fact,  the point of "salvation" is this:  we are "saved" from our poor thinking and the selfish activities that confirm our humanity.  Compare this thinking to that of International Islam.  It is as "legalistic" as one can imagine,  to the point that if you commit a "favorite" Islamic sin,  you loose your hands,  you kill your daughters,  you stone your wife to death,  you murder whole families simply because they "converted" to another religion.  And,  "No,"  I am not talking about ISIS.  I am talking about Saudi Arabia,  or Yemen,  or Kuwait, or Libya, or Somalia or  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Point of Post:  But the point, here,  is not to argue for Christian thought or take an "non-denominational" stance.  This is simply a report: 

The editor of this blog just got back from a Man Camp with 400 other studly types,  all with renewed determination to love their wives as they should be loved,  to spend less time alone in the bathroom,  or on the golf course,  or walking around the hills,  pretending to be "holy."  We have "come down from the Mountain,"  ready to serve our God,  our families and friends,  and the Christian Communities of which we belong.

Now,  back to hating those danged old politicians. 


  1. Yes, you have a gun and a bible, that makes you a stud.

    1. My ability to whomp on your intellectual butt is a greater proof to me, in all humility.

    2. As he continues to tout his intellect ... the guy who called evolutionary biology "preposterous" and "only a theory."

    3. Maybe you missed it, but I was not touting my intellect, in and of itself. Instead, I was comparing my abilities to yours. Understand? The article posted, here at midknight review, has a host of questions that you have chosen to leave unanswered. As the article posits, there is a difference between theory and scientific law. You take theory and run with it. In a circular sort of way, you tout theory as fact. The theory is your proof. To me, the theory, as such, is philosophy. The big bang is theory, without any scientific, test tube proof. Is it possible? Of course, I suppose. Does that make it a fact? Only to those who have no choice but to believe in the theory. I have a choice. I was taught the theory in college. One of my past friends was a professor of science and believed in evolution. We never agreed, but he did see why I could not believe. I could have written the article in better style, but it presents what I believe. Deal with it or give answer to the issues raised in the artile.

    4. Evolution is a fact, to anyone who is scientifically literate and has taken Biology 101 at a real University, (no a creationist christian college).

      Your debate points show your ignorance to anyone with a real education, so stop touting your 'superior intellect.'

      Get a real education.

    5. Funny, I know when the opponent has no answers.
