It is more than a drum beat: It appears that we are at war with ISIS and here is the surprising news of the day confirming this fact.

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From the Editor:  This is one of the best news stories of the past two months.  Obama,  not wanting to be “dragged back into Iraq,”  is joining with special British forces,  in an effort to defeat ISIS.  Of course, air-power will be increased as these special forces use the better elements of the Iraqi fighting force  (I have in mind the Kurdish nationals in the north).  

Understand that if any of these special ops are captured,  they will die the most outrageous deaths,  ISIS can devise.  This is very dangerous for our men,  but,  as the article makes the case,  very necessary  . . . . .   in fact,  two months over-due (we were asked to help and Obama refused) , if not a year too late (we were asked to help a year ago,  this month and Obama refused,   declaring ISIS to be "J.V.").  

Make note of one thing,  the Mirror, an UK newssource,  states as a matter of fact,  that al Qaeda,  in Iraq,  was defeated.  Exactly.  And when the Left tells the story differently,  for their own self-serving, political interests,  they are acting as if they were allied with the enemy.   

My question is this:  is the Pentagon publicly at odds with this Administration?  Thursday,  Friday and Saturday, Pentagon leaders went to the press,  and spoke out about the seriousness of the situation,  all,  while Obama seems to play down the crisis down,  while he continues to golf.  Will he undermine the news of this day and the advice of the Pentagon?  We will have to wait for that answer.  Obama knows,  full well, that if soldiers are captured and murdered in public display, we will be in Iraq for a long time.  He wants to contain the enemy,  the Pentagon clearly wants to defeat these killers.  

From the Mirror:    Elite British and US special forces troops are forming a hunter killer unit called Task Force Black – its orders: “Smash the Islamic State.”

The undercover warriors will aim to “cut the head off the snake” by hitting the command structure of the Islamist terror group responsible for a trail of atrocities across Iraq and Syria, reports the Sunday People.
PM David Cameron has told the SAS and UK spy agencies to direct all their ­resources at defeating IS after a video of US journalist James Foley being beheaded shocked the world.

British special forces will work with America’s Delta Force and Seal Team 6. The move sees a rebirth of top secret Task Force Black, which helped defeat al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq .

This time the counter-terrorist ­experts will be targeting Abu Bakr ­al-Baghdadi, leader of IS and now the world’s most wanted terrorist.
A source said: “We need to go into Syria and Iraq and kill as many IS members as we can. You can’t ­negotiate with these people.

“This is not a war of choice. They are cash rich and have a plentiful ­supply of arms. If we don’t go after them, they will soon come after us.