Did you know that Ferguson blacks are NOT involved in the "demonstrations" of the past two weeks? That is a fact. We need to support those who wish for a fair and peaceful solution.

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Some facts about Ferguson that are not being reported:

In 1970,  Ferguson had a population of 28,759.  Since 1970,  Ferguson has lost more than 7,000 people and is on a downward trend as relates to the size of the city.  The 2013 estimate is for 21,111 folks. 

According Wikipedia,  67% of the population is black compared to 29% for the white population.  Only 2%  of those involved in the robbing of businesses and the destruction of some 40 businesses are black citizens of Ferguson.  The last night of “demonstrations” saw 78 arrests,  only one of this group of thugs,  was from Ferguson.  All the others are from outside the community.  Understand that less than 100 blacks have been involved in the “demonstrations” over the past two weeks. 

The Mayor of Ferguson is white.  He was elected to a three year term by a black majority population.  If blacks want their city run exclusively by a black population,  they have the voting power to do so.  I would argue that the citizenry of Ferguson is much more responsible than the white hating,  Sharpton types who have come to this community. 

Back to that last night of arrests:

67% of 21,111 is 14,144.  That is the number of black citizens living in Ferguson,  in 2013. 

When I write that only one of those arrested was a citizen of the community,  that means that 14,143 black citizens of Ferguson were NOT a part of the violent demonstrations,  and 14,000 of the black citizens of Ferguson actually stayed at home,  while all this nonsense was tearing the city’s infrastructure apart.  

Sadly,  Ferguson is more about hustling race and building a violent, anti-cop, following than it is about truth and fairness.  

There is a process that includes the Grand Jury,  a county autopsy and the pursuit of law and order.  Burning down a business or robbing a store has nothing to do with a protest of the death of Mike Brown.   These folks are only using Brown's death as an excuse to profit,  personally,  which pretending to be concerned about fairness and order   . . . . . .   and the larger population is not being fooled.  


  1. Replies
    1. Soooo, more than 14,000 blacks voluntarily stay away from the riots/"demonstration" -- voluntarily, I say -- and you think this illustrates "white power?" Do you know just how stupid that sounds? "They" have the power of the vote, by a considerable margin, and you think this illustrates "white power." Wow . . . . and "case closed."

    2. This is how you treat blacks.


    3. feeling guilty about all those blacks you all murdered during the "glory days" of the KKK and Jim Crow? The cop in your video is a woman, a union member and a Democrat. Any more questions ?
