Bill Maher confessed that his liberal co-religionists are sometimes useless Obama hacks without a shred of intellectual honesty. (see the 2 min video).


  1. The ignorant stupid hacks are on both sides, especially the conservative side. Here you have liberals railing against Obama. You would NEVER have seen this on Fox News, or Limbaugh, or any other conservative hack media - railing against a Republican President. YOU know this is true. Everyone does. Republicans are anti-intellectual ... lock step sheep, blinded by slogans and buzz words ... god, guns, being white and anti-science, and anti-education, anti-gay, anti-women, and anti-'all those who are not white Christians.'

  2. NO ONE in my conservative world, either at church, or at a large, local teaparty gathering, or at local GOP functions, or in the streets of Conservativeville, live in a racially charged world. Only you and your cronies waste time in your race baiting, never failing to mention "whities" in your silly rhetorical attacks. Get used to this fact: 78% of this nation is white. 90% of Democrat leadership, on the national level, is white. 88% of CNN reporting and management is white. 95% of MSNBC reporting cast is white. All major national network news is reported by white people. So what ??!!!!!!!

    You fantasize that only in the Democrat Party, people like Maher, exists . . . . stupid wrong. Why do you think the House and Senate flipped to Democrat, in the 2006, November elections? Because Conservatives were sick and tired of the Establishment and its 40 year record of compromise with the Communist Left. They stayed away, in the millions, and the Progressive Marxists, took over. Why did 6 million Conservatives stay home in the 2008 elections? Because John McCain made them sick.

    "Lock-step" is what is demanded in Congress, by your leaders, Reid and Pelosi. Your comments are laughable, so far removed from any sort of reality. You obviously do not listen to Rush, or you would know that he has made a living in criticizing the Establishment of the GOP.

    Anti-intellectual? When Al Gore turns down nearly 600 offers to debate the issues, THAT is intellectualism at work.
