As a side-note, the Daily Kos gives honor to Jimmy Carter, who will "be 90 in six months," for committing to a life-style that typifies millions of Americans, each and every day.

<<<  Carter with Hugo Chavez on the left,  and I do mean "Left."  Chavez was a dictator of the worst order,  a Marxist/Socialist with no heart for the will of the people or a democratic society,   Carter's  willingness to forego the very notion of "democracy" while confirming many of the despots of the world, is part of the reason he is a hero of Left.    

From the Daily Kos:  Jimmy Carter turns 90 in a little over six months. Regardless of what you think of his one-term stint as president (during which he never said "malaise," thank you very much), his post-presidency life has been one of the most productive of any ex-POTUS.

Editor’s notes:  Reviewing The Daily Kos, this morning,  gave me this tid-bit of information:  Jimmy Carter will be 90 in six months.  Wow.  And he will be 100 in 10 years and six months.  Heck,  he will be 91 in just a year and a half. 

You get my point. 

But just as ridiculous is this news blurb from the geniuses on the Left:  

Jimmy Carter's  ex-presidency has been “one of the most productive of any ex-POTUS.”  
Did he build all those homes for the poor wearing
clean clothes and using a handsaw?  Or,  did he just take
credit for what others actually accomplished? 

The Kos points out that Jimmy’s after-life motto, is  "Waging peace, fighting disease, giving hope."  It does not go on to say that with this statement,  Carter embraces the values of countless millions,  here in America.  Every youth sports coach,  male or female,  has dedicated much their waking moments,  teaching and encouraging kids at risk.  Americans from the Left and Right side of the aisle,  give countless billions in terms of food,  clothing, job training and counseling to the poor and needy in our society.  Teachers go beyond what is required.  Our police put themselves in harms way,  every day,  for a wage that is, often,  scarcely adequate for a family of four.  And Carter?  Well he made millions off his lectures,  the presidency,  his book sales and his whacked out political Leftism.  


  1. Carter is a genius and the best definition of a Christian.

  2. So says a Marxist socialite with the religious instincts of an atheist. Laughable. But, nice to know that his intellectual abilities match your definition of "genius." Good to know, but not surprising. Kind of explains why you people believe that we can disarm ourselves, and the world of evil will follow suit.
