Updated for this brief commentary: Understand two things: One, Trey Gowdy is a member of the House subcommittee currently investigating the IRS targeting scandal and, two, he has Hussein Obama's claim to Bill O'Reilly on Sunday, that the IRS has been investigated more than once, that these investigation are over (!!), that nothing similar to "corruption," exists within the IRS - not even a "smidgen" of corruption.
Gowdy is sitting before a woman called to testify, who started a "protect the vote" group (True the Vote), and was subsequently audited twice, her business was audited twice, she was "visited" by the ATF on two separate occasions, OSHA once, and, most incredibly, had to deal with the stinking FBI on 6 occasions, all of this since she started her group, in Texas; all of this since 2012.
Rather than being concerned for this woman, the Democrats on the committee, argued that all of this, all 13 "visits" from the Federal Government, was just a coincidence, that she was just being paranoid.
What seems to get ignored in all this is the fact that this targeting scandal is ON GOING, that the thugs in the FBI, IRS and the ATF are still working hand in hand to harass and intimidate any who dare stand against this rogue Administration. Out of 113 institutions asking for 501-C3 status from the IRS, 106 were conservative, 7 "liberal," with all liberal groups being approved while none of the 106 have been granted their requests.
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