Social and financial "upward mobility" are tied together at the hip. Guess which influence most prevents upward mobility -- and "no," it is not government handouts.

A new study from Harvard University on the ability of low-income children to achieve social mobility found that the largest hindrance to moving up the income ladder is being raised by a single parent.
“The strongest and most robust predictor [of social mobility] is the fraction of children with single parents,” the study said.
Further, the study found that “[children] of married parents also have higher rates of upward mobility if they live in communities with fewer single parents.”
Now, obviously there are cases of successful children who were raised by single parents, but the study suggests that it is more likely for a child to climb the income ladder if they are living with both parents in a community of married parents.

1 comment:

  1. Give the poor a phone, food stamps, and pay their housing (and some really need help) and what do you have? They are still poor, but, with a phone, something to eat that is free, and a house they (often) destroy before anyone can get them out (I am thinking of the government financed "projects" of years ago, now extinct, because the "poor" destroyed them).
