Obama has a way of taking a wet dream and turning it into a dry-sheet nightmare. Here is a perfect example ----- and you can bet the feckless GOP will be taken completely by surprise.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will announce five “Promise Zones” this week as part of his effort to focus on income inequality in the lead-up to his State of the Union address.
Promise Zones are areas where the federal government provides tax incentives and grants to help communities tackle poverty. Obama first announced the initiative during last year’s State of the Union speech.
On Thursday, Obama will announce the first Promise Zone locations. They’re in San Antonio, Texas; Philadelphia; Los Angeles; southeastern Kentucky and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
The White House says Obama believes investing in and rebuilding economically challenged communities is crucial to helping children have a chance at success.

Editor’s notes:  so why was this not a Republican idea?  There is no question at to the nobility of this “plan.”   

But the problem with nearly all of Obama's "good" ideas can be seen in the asking of the following questions: 
And, my question are these:  how is this accomplished . . . .  I mean,  specifically,  what is the plan - an important question in view of the fact that this current class of redistributionists has the habit of passing law that is not fully written as to financial accommodations and the organizational specifics of the several new federal agencies that will, surely,  become a part of this process;  how much money will be funneled to friends and big money donors - understand that all of Democrat programs involve payback monies to unions and donors;  will the GOP be allowed to participate in the formulation of the necessary legislation;  will there be any demonstrable concern for paying for this program  -  we are out of money,  after all; what will be the role of the private sector as a partner in this effort;  what are the specific targeted goals of this program,   and what will be the impact of associated regulations?   

While this idea sounds good,  there is the distinct possibility that Obama's approved plan will be something entirely different,  Obama using “helping the poor"  - in this case -  as a populace principle for growing government.  

I no longer believe in Central Government,  whether under Socialist control or Republican control  --  after all,  it is the McCain's of this world who have participated in growing the power of the Executive Branch to its dictatorial place of influence,  today.  Obama has only taken advantage of what has been given him by Establishment politicians in both parties.   

We have three layers of governance (city, county and state) before we ever get to the Federal Arena.  Literally, we need the feds like Custer needed another Indian.  

Our country is permanently scarred under this bunch of One Worlders.  There will be no coming back from the abyss,  but,  of course,  we - the people - can influence this downward trend in very positive ways.  And,  so,  our lot in life is to make the best of an ugly and godless situation. 

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