Greg Abbott responds to Wendy Davis, the self-serving, Democrat candidate for Texas Governor.


  1. Who watches this crap? The old white KKKristians. No one else.

    Abbott is on the wrong side of history. He ruled that domestic partnership benefits violate state constitution. It's only a matter of time before these regressives like Abbott and Smithson die off.

  2. Folks in Texas watch "this crap." And it is "crap" solely because Davis has made it so. But you all love to poke fun at those in wheelchairs, so what else is new.

    And you keep bringing up the KKK - a Democrat "institution," fully manned by Democrats to the exclusion of Republicans.The GOP rejected the KKK years ago, back in the day when the Dems were giving it a place in state politics. Jim Crow laws are all, the creation of Democrats and, today, they have only supported one (half) black man for a presidential run, in spite of the fact that there are a couple of dozen congressional blacks, in Washington.

  3. Yes, that one black man, they own him. He IS big money, giving hundreds of billions of dollars to his comrades and supporters. He has dealt with more lobbyists than any previous president and is controlled by the pursuit for revenge . . . . . or so he says (revenge is his word). There is no place in the GOP or the teaparty for anyone preaching KKK bias.and never has been.

  4. I live in Texas. OF COURSE, I "watch this crap." This classless bitch is running for governor. What is your hose nose buddy talking about?
