More pressure to rewrite ObamaCare: 70% of California doctors are protesting ObamaCare.

According to the Washington Examiner"Independent insurance brokers who work with both insurance companies and doctor networks estimate that about 70 percent of California's 104,000 licensed doctors are boycotting the exchange."  

Many if not most doctors,  woke up on October 2, 2013,  to find that they had not been included in the various insurance exchanges.  When they asked as to how they could be included,  they were told,  “You are invited onto the exchange by others.” 

Since Obama has never worked for a living (including his presidency),  since he has never had to manage a business or studied economics as he wondered through his version of “higher education,”  he has no regard for professional folks or business managers or, in this case, doctors. 

If you had been paying any attention at all,  during the year the Democrats were debating with themselves about ObamaCare (prior to March of 2010),  you would know that one of the cost cutting principles inherent in this new socialist scam,  is the exclusion of most or all of our nation’s research hospitals.  More than this,  there is a strong influence,  written into the law,  that directs the insured away from doctors and to nurse or medical “practitioners.” 

Rather than including doctors in the writing of this bill – you would think that would be a no brainer – this bill is wholly written by politicians,  Harvard theorists,  and non-professionals to the exclusion of those who actually understand medicine and the practice of same. 

And now,  folks who have suddenly found themselves on the outside,  looking in but willing to serve,  are protesting their exclusion. 

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