is Medicare applied on the state level. And
the difference between the two (Medicaid versus Medicare) is found in this
anecdotal fact: Medicaid, in California, pays – on average
– 30% less than the costing cutting pay schedules found in Medicare, and, that
disparity is only getting worse. Sadly, while Medicare pays at a higher rate, it is hardly self-sustaining, having grown its "unfunded liability" to more than 42 trillion dollars since its inception back in the 1960's (and some of you libs think this is good economic policy !!!). But, it (Medicare) is a federal program, and we all know that federal programs do not need to balance their budgets. Only at the state level, is "balance" required. For that reason, and that reason alone, Medicaid has to "stiff" doctors and the medical community as to "payment for services rendered."
dreamers and Utopians within the Socialist/Progressive Party, believe you can magically add 30 million
non-paying folks into Medicaid, cut costs at the same time, and grow the best medical system in the world. Good grief.
that when the Lying Feds tell us that “200,000” have signed up for
ObamaCare, 80% of those enrollees are
new Medicaid patients, not ObamaCare
insurance applicants . . . . . that
is the point of this post.
Now you know why I see ObamaCare and the promises made to the gullible, to be nothing short of one of the largest scams in human history.
You will want to read the article at Zero Hedge as a follow-up to this post. Click on this:
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