Obama lead us all to believe that the existing relationships with our doctors and our insurance companies were secure, planning all along on blaming the insurance companies when his lie was exposed. Turns out even his compliant media sees the planned deception for what it is.

It is significant that the following comes out of the Washington Post,  a huge supporter of Obama and the Socialist/Progressive agenda in this country.  In dealing with Obama’s  “apology” on NBC,  Thursday evening,  the WaPost includes its criticism of the Obama apology with these words:

 What Obama isn't offering is an apology for the cancellation notices themselves. Eliminating certain health plans from the market -- ones that the White House thinks are too skimpy -- is a feature, not a bug, of the Affordable Care Act. You can read more about that here in our FAQ on why about 7 million to 12 million health plans are being terminated under the Affordable Care Act.  . . . .   from the WaPost, here. 

Under ObamaCare,  a policy must include all of the following,  whether the client needs or request them,  or not: 

 Ambulatory patient services
 Emergency services
 Hospitalization
 Maternity and newborn care
 Mental health and substance abuse disorder services, including
behavioral health treatment
 Prescription drugs
 Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
 Laboratory services
 Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease
 Pediatric services, including oral and vision care

Source of the above 10 categories:   http://www.naic.org/documents/committees_b_Exchanges.pdf

Clearly,  many millions will not need maternity, newborn care, drug rehabilitation services,   or pediatric services for child dental and vision services. 

Of the 168 million American holding existing insurance policies, all of which  will be amended by ObamaCare demands (there are several million policies in addition to the 168 million),  only 17 million will qualify for premium assistance from our comrades at Central Planning,  a point few reporting services and blogs are making with their readership.  

The effect of this reality (that only 17 million of the 168 million will qualify for subsidies) is this:  the vast majority of Americans losing their current policies and being forced into ObamaCare will see either increase premiums and/or increased annual deductible,  financial burdens they must pay without any help from Central Planning  . . . . .  and then they have two elections (2014 and 2016) in which to register their opinions.  

The Democrats have created the perfect storm for themselves,  or so it would appear.  

Obama scored 3 million fewer votes in his second presidential election than in 2008,  while Romney totaled one million more than McCain,  yet Obama was able to claim the victory.  Dissatisfaction across the nation was the theme of the day,  but, the GOP candidate ran a tiresome and feckless campaign (again),  and the GOP lost the most important presidential election in our lifetimes.  

While the perfect storm has been given energy,  this question remains:  will the Socialist/Progressives be able to survive the coming two elections?   Only time will tell.  

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