<<<< Go to Breitbart.com and watch this sad, sad, video that tells you just where we have gone as a nation. This man has had to choose between his financial legacy and death - because of ObamaCare.
From Breitbart.com because the Progressive/Compliant Media
will not report this news story:
A South Carolina cancer patient told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly
Thursday night he is being forced to make a life or death decision after his
health insurance plan was cancelled due to ObamaCare.
Bill Elliot, who originally reached out to “The Kelly File”
on Facebook to share his story, said he can no longer afford to pay his medical
bills and does not want to take on the new costs because he does not want to
put a “burden” on his family.
“If I make it that long I’ll pay the $95 or whatever fine
and I’m just going to let nature take its course,” he said.
Elliot said he feels “misled,” adding he voted for President
Obama over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney because of Obama's
repeated promise he could keep his insurance under the new health care law,
which has turned out to be untrue for millions of Americans like him.
He also slammed the
president's apology over the health care cancellations.
“I believe that was more of an insult to me and other people
who have been cancelled,” Elliot said.
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