B Obama is the first president in modern times to create or foster a national crisis for the sake of winning an election and remaining in power . . . . . . he is the first to do so, and he is good at it, mostly because he does not care.

<<<<    The Central Bank,  aka The Fed,  is "printing" more  than $85 billion per month because we are over-spending our national income and cannot borrow more than is our current policy  . . . .  so we simply invent more money.  All of this money goes to stabilize our banking industry.  Our picture of the day is what $4 trillion in total "invented money" looks like . . . . . . .   and we still need another $4 trillion to finish the job.  

Joshua Green / Businessweek:

And the Media Myth concerning “default” continues.  

The Central Bank,  aka The Fed,  is "printing" more
than $85 trillion because we are over-spending our
national income and cannot borrow more than is our
current policy  . . . .  so we simply invent more money.
Source:  Demon-ocracy.info.  
The fact of the matter remains this: “default” on the interest we pay for the national debt is a decision,  or will be a decision,  made by Barack Obama and him alone.  It is a fact that this decision,  to pay on our interest obligations, is a matter of "priorities" and nothing less.  Understand,  this nation brings in average of 220 billion dollars per month and our cost for interest on the debt is a average of + or -   $22 billion.  We have enough of our own money to maintain our debt payment obligations,  thus avoiding "default,"  as well as funds for SS payments, Medicare military funding,  and more.   Just as closing the Lincoln Memorial was a decision made by Obama and not one of forced compliance,  so too will be his decisions in the face of "running out of money" come October 17.  Any other president,  Democrat or Republican,  would make the payments listed above.  Only Barack Obama,  a man who believes "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste," would intentionally inflict pain on the population as a tool to destroy his opposition and advance his own,  evil cause.   Of course he would blame the GOP and here is why:   in addition to positioning himself to argue that capitalism is a failed system, he and his Socialist/Progressives Collective are feverishly plotting  to stave off the coming [and feared] wave election,  in 13 short months. 

While the Socialist Media owns public TV,  the Patriot Nation has plenty of exposure in the conservative media,  with a host of conservative blogs,  and the cable news giant,  Fox.  “They” make more noise than we do,  but,  in the end and, in general terms,  the voting public eventually catches on to what is happening and when it does,  the ruling party is in trouble. In this particular post,  you have the beginning of what you need to know,  to understand the truth of what might happen,  why and how things should be.  Tell a friend.  Spread the word.  After all,  we are under assault by the enemy withing.  

Me?  I know the truth and do what I can to spread the word.  On a daily and personal level,  however,   I seldom listen to Hannity,  Rush or Beck,  although I love the guys.  All that talk gets me a little too fired up,  so it is better for everyone in my world,  if I leave off the talk shows, concentrate on telling the truth in this,   my political blog,  get out of the office by noon (I am up and publishing between 2 and 4 am every morning) and spend more time with my wife,  my family (16 grand kids) and my motorcycle.  

The fiscal year runs from October 1 through the end of September,  each year.   As you can see on the chart, below,  October of 2014 will see the smallest monthly debt payment obligation for the year.  But,  before you get all excited,  make note of the payments due for this coming June and December.  

Interest Expense Fiscal Year 2013
Fiscal Year Total$415,688,781,248.40
Chart source:  The US Treasury Department.